Aggressive Electronx New LP 16 Track Electronic Album Available Now on Bandcamp!

Aggressive Electronx New LP 16 Track Electronic Album Available Now on Bandcamp!

AE006, Syndicate is the 7th Aggressive Electronx LP album from musician F. Sudol, of the one-man solo electronic Act, releasing on November 7th, 2023 to match the 7th Album release.

“The goal of this album was to create whatever flowed into my mind and allow the musical energy to flow freely to create each track, based on the mood I felt like creating. Usually a faster pace, but this album’s tracks allow for a good range from heavier to tracks that have a more dynamic melodic range too. It was also fun to revisit Hostile with Hostile 2, but this time, creating a different approach without vocals compared to the original track on the Hostile Album. And lastly, I wanted to take more time with the panning, trying to offer more of an experience for the ears with stereo headphones.

Some songs are heavy, while others a bit lighter, but I’m happy with the overall sound of the Syndicate Album and hope those who like Aggressive Electronx will enjoy it too. And of course, thank you to the fans who support and listen to my music and film scores. Thank you!” -F. Sudol, Aggressive Electronx

In the video above, is a clip of the title Track, Syndicate. Visit Bandcamp for the full list of 16 complete tracks, and thank you for listening to the album! Your support is appreciated greatly.

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